If you are in the market for an old school friend, but do not know where to start your search for them, you may want to consider buying Facebook accounts. These are accounts that you create yourself and give as a gift or for free to a friend who is also a fan of Facebook. You do have a bit more work to do if you choose to buy these accounts. It is easier than creating a new account, though not quite as easy as the process of signing up for a new email address. But that can wait for another article.
Once you have decided that you want to buy aged Facebook accounts, the first thing that you need to do is to find an outlet. There are many different places that you could go, but I would suggest that you try to find a site that is reputable. There are plenty of places on the web that offer to let you buy these accounts, but there are plenty of people out there that will try to scam you. The thing is that you do not want to risk any money, so make sure that the site is reputable before giving it a second look.
Once you have decided that you want to buy an account, you need to sign up for it. The best way to do this is to go to the Facebook website and click on the Account tab. This will take you to a page where you can see all of your friends and their profiles. You can then decide which ones you would like to add to your new account. You can change your settings so that newly added friends don’t show up in your news feed, and you can even turn off communication from those friends if you so choose.
After you have made your choice, you can fill out the application and submit it. The application includes a short form asking some basic questions about your age, gender, name, location, interests, hobbies, and any other information that you want to include. In order to verify that you are who you say you are, you will need to answer a few more questions about your account. This application process will not take very long, and once it is complete, you will be able to join all of your friends’ social networks.
Once you have your account set up, you will want to start adding friends. Every time you post a status update, the name of your account becomes available to everyone. When a friend wants to add you, they will just click on the ‘Add as friend’ button. You will then be sent a confirmation link so that you can verify that you really do want to add that person as a friend.
One of the advantages of these paid services is that you do not have to share your details with anyone. The site will keep your profile strictly confidential, allowing only your closest friends and family to see it. The last thing you want is to be caught out using fake information, or having your account blocked for using it for purposes other than personal friendship.
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